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New Term Booking
Snow Herons Martial Arts
Grandmaster Brian Manna

After seeing a picture of a black belt in a book at the age of three, that his dad brought back from the Pacific War, it was clear Mr. Brian Manna has held a passion, fascination and vision of being a martial artist ever since. While attending Junior High and High School he was inspired by Patricia Olekszyk (formerly Patricia Gane), a traditional Shotokan style martial artist. While attending college, Tyler School of Art a part of Temple University, Mr. Brian Manna was recommended and referred to Kwon's Karate in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania by Patricia Olekszyk.
He began his distinguished career in the martial arts in a suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, training under the instruction of Grandmaster Young K. Kwon at Kwon's Karate, in the U. S. Tang Soo Do (Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bak Do Association). Mr. Brian Manna moved to California in 1976 and continued his training with Grandmaster Young H. Kwon. While training he won the World Tang Soo Do Association Headquarters Design Contest from WTSDA Founder Grandmaster Jae C. Shin and later received the No. 10 Life-Time Membership with the WTSDA. He began his teaching with Grandmaster Young H. Kwon in San Diego. Mr. Brian Manna was honored to be present and assist in the formation of the United Martial Arts Federation with Grandmaster Young K. Kwon and Grandmaster Young H. Kwon.
To Mr. Brian Manna opening a location was a serious undertaking. Knowing first, was the understanding that once he began teaching in an area he was committed to stay in that area, forming life long relationships with students, families and the community. After researching the community and demographics Mr. Brian Manna began teaching at the Westwood Club Community Center in San Diego, California.
In 1986, with overwhelming support from 100% of the members the doors of the original United Tang Soo Do Karate (UTSDK) located two blocks away, the first studio, were opened. Mr. Manna had the pleasure and opportunity to train in combat applications and weapons concepts with Soke Dai Ralph Black Jr, of the Bunbu Ichi Zendi Kyo Ki, from 1988 to 1990. The Rank of 4th Dan in Tang Soo Do was presented to Master Manna in 1990. On September 8,1994, the new UTSDK, Carmel Mountain Studio now Manna's Martial Arts in Carmel Mountain Ranch, San Diego, California was opened. At 7,000 square feet, MANNA'S is proud to be one the finest studios in the United States. Today Master Manna continues to service the same communities.
For Master Manna's support and dedication to the Martial Arts, he has received numerous awards of recognition. He has held special demonstrations and exhibitions for many communities, sponsored many youth organizations. Developed a martial arts scholarship program for higher education. Directed and produced instructional videos and DVDs through TEMAS for Grandmasters and masters in the arts. Master Manna and members during martial arts training at the Westwood Club were featured in a nationwide book published by Franklin Watts, Inc. a Fist Book Edition(Karate by L.D. Brimner). Master Manna with the support of Mr. Tom Patire, the creator of Know & Go, was the invited Child Safety Expert featured on KMFB News 8, (August 2002) Master Manna has presented Know & Go Child Safety Courses to entire elementary schools, through assemblies on campus of the schools, since 2005.
In the fall of 1997 at the request and encouragement of Grandmaster James Wilson, Manna's entered into Olympic Style Tae Kwon Do competition. In 1997, in support of the 12th Annual Manna's Martial Arts Camp, Century Martial Arts Supply sent Herb Perz, Kim Dodson-Peck and Kevin Padilla to the three day event. With the hard work and commitment of thirty members competing in 1998 and 1999 Grandmaster Manna was appointed CA State Coach of the Year at the 1999 Tae Kwon Do Jr. Olympics. The team had earned twenty-eight California State Championship medals, a National Silver and a National Gold Medal in those two years.
Grandmaster Manna founded and became the Founding Master of The Educational Martial Arts System, Inc. 1990, and titled TEMAS Kwon Jang Nim. Over the past twenty-six years, Grandmaster Manna has helped guide many outstanding Students, over 450 Black Belts, Grand Champions, Instructors, Master Instructors and studio owners. Grandmaster Manna continues to teach, guide and speak proudly of those who have entered the ranks of Master (Ko Dan Ja and Sabum Nim) through his tutelage: Master Christopher A. Brandt; Master Mark W. Pattison; Master Steven T. Simpson; Master Janet K. Manna and Master Christian R. Hunter.
As a Graduate of the 2005 FBI Citizens Academy and an active member of the San Diego Infragard Chapter Grandmaster Manna and MANNA'S continues to sponsor Community Awareness Events with the support and direction of the San Diego FBI Field Office and San Diego Police. Some of the subjects have been: Predator Awareness, Internet Security, Home Network Security, Domestic Terrorism, Child Safety and Finger Printing, How to be a Good Witness and Insight into the use of Explosive Devices in Middle East Terrorism. Grandmaster Manna believes that growing the awareness of the community will help build a stronger America, exemplifying the proactive good in each one of us.
As an instructor, his commitment and dedication to enhancing each student's personal growth is infallible. Offering many special clinics, camps, leadership development courses and training programs for martial arts students, instructors, community families and corporate retreats. One of his main areas of focus is to reach out to the community and offer them an introduction to the benefits of Martial Arts. In addition to instructing full time at Manna’s he has directed programs in over twenty-five Southern California locations with the aid and assistance of many fine instructors.
He has mentored and shared martial arts learning, ideas, techniques and concepts for more than thirty years with Grandmaster Darryl Khalid and Grandmaster James Wilson. At a seminar sponsored by Grandmaster Khalid he was introduced to Grandmaster Andy Ah Po. May 20, 2006, Grandmaster James Wilson and Grandmaster Darryl Khalid announced at the TEMAS International Dan Test, with more than 170 attending Black Belts and Ko Dan Ja, that from that date on Master Manna would be hereby recognized as Grandmaster Manna, for his continued contribution and development of the martial arts. Grandmaster James Wilson, Grandmaster Andy Ah Po and Grandmaster Darryl Khalid invited the martial arts community to a Grandmaster Entitlement and Rank, 7th Dan, Certification to honor Grandmaster Manna on July 29, 2006 in San Diego California.
He was a personal student of Grandmaster Andy Ah Po for five years. Grandmaster Manna states, “Over the years I have been honored to meet, train and share with many great people whom not only talk the talk, but walk the walk.”
In June 2008 Grandmaster Andy Ah Po presented Grandmaster Manna with 7th Dan certification from the Tang Soo Do Martial Way Association.
July of 2011 Grandmaster Manna was pleased to be a guest at the 2011 Internationals USA, sponsored by TSDMGK and The Worldwide Tang Soo Do Family. Students and Ko Dan Ja from around the world were in attendance. Grandmaster Manna was both honored and pleased to be able to see and share in the spirit and sportsmanship that was displayed. He commends the running and organization of the championship by Grandmaster Charles Ferraro.
Grandmaster Manna continues to instill in his Students, Instructors, Masters and himself work ethic and good values. In direct response to this effort Grandmaster Manna has been certified Pal Dan - 8th Degree Black Belt by the Chang Moo Kwan Tae Kwon Do, August 25, 2011. On September 1, 2011, The Board of Trustees and upon recognition of the Faculty of the School of Defense Tactics and Martial Sciences presented Grandmaster Manna the title of Diplomate of the American College of Defense Tactics.
October of 2011 a public presentation was made from Dr. Ralph D. Black Jr., 3rd Generation San Dai Soke of the Bunbu Ichi Zendo Budo/Bugei Remmei and by unanimous acceptance of the Board of Soke bestow the Black Family designation of Professor on Brian Manna Pal Dan - 8th degree Black Belt, certification was made August 25, 2011. Grandmaster Manna has maintained a relationship with Dr. Ric Black since their first meeting in 1988. After a clinic Grandmaster Manna stated, "It continues to be exciting and fun to see that Dr. Ric Black has maintained his educational, technical and relaxed manor of sharing information for the more than twenty years."
Grandmaster Manna has produced and directed Learning Seminars for martial arts instructors in business on both the East and West Coasts. Grandmaster Manna stated, “The martial arts has been very kind to my family and I.” Grandmaster Manna is open to aide and assist martial artist school owners, club instructors and those interested in building all aspects of their martial arts programs and studio success.
Grandmaster James Wilson, Grandmaster Andy Ah Po and Grandmaster Darryl Khalid
Invited the Martial Arts Community to the Grandmaster Entitlement and Rank Certification To Honor Grandmaster Brian Manna July 29, 2006 in San Diego California.
Grandmasters and Masters present at Grandmaster Event. Master Mark Pattison, Master Patricia Olekszyk, Master Steve Simpson, Master Janet Manna, GM Pely Ferrer, and Master Chris Brandt. Master Ricky Jackson, Master Jack Black, and Master Michael Wynn. KJN Darryl Khalid, KJN James Wilson, KJN Brian Manna, KJN Andy Ah Po, GM Larry Spears and GM Louis De La Rosa.
Grandmaster Manna's greatest reward is to know that his teachings provide students the skills to
achieve personal success, affect others in positive ways, and progress in their communities,
both in martial arts and through the journey of life's many experiences.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grandmaster Brian D. Manna's Timeline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2023 April Held regional Black Belt Test, San Diego CA USA
2023 May Honored to present Master Faith Carmichael with 5th Dan England
2023 April Taught clinics and trainings in England for SHMA, London area
2023 Hosted 10th Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser, at Manna's on March 25
2022 Held 36th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2022 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to fourteen (14) participants
2022 Hosted 9th Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser, at Manna's on March 26
2022 Held 1,500 Kick Event, January 29
2021 Held 35th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2021 Taught KDJ classes monthly In-Person and virtually, reaching as far as UK
2021 Honored to present Master Rank to Sahar Mesri, December 4
2021 Honored to present 4th Dan KDJ to Ralph Morales III and Lexy Stanley, Dec. 4
2021 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to eleven (11) participants
2021 Honored to present nine-teen (19) members of Manna's with Dan levels of rank, Dec. 4
2021 Held a combination of In-Person and Virtual TEMAS Championships at Manna's Martial Arts, 2021
2021 Hosted Virtual 8th Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser
2021 Held 35th Year In-Person Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2020 Held a combination of Applied In-Person and Virtual Performance Belt Testing, throughout
2020 Introduced Zoom training program to help other martial arts schools
2020 Introduced Open Door training at Manna's Martial Arts, October
2020 Performance and Applied Certification through TEMAS, October
2020 Held 3rd quarter Virtual Performance Belt Testing, September 23
2020 Opened Manna's Martial Arts School for all classes - Social distanced, September 21
2020 Held Virtual 34th Year Karate Camp - Broadcasted International 3 Day Karate Camp, September
2020 Opened Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) at Manna's Martial Arts, August
2020 Held Virtual TEMAS Championship at Manna's Martial Arts, August 21
2020 Introduced Manna's/TEMAS Virtual Performance Belt Testing, June 11-13
2020 Hosted 7th Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser, interactive/virtual, national viewing, June 6
2020 Introduced OnDemand training to all active members for delayed time education, April
2020 Created Online Learning System trough Manna's Martial Arts along with Master Brandt, March
2019 Honored to name TEMAS Life Time Teaching Achievement Awards to Grandmasters:
Ralph Black Jr., Andy Ah Po, Darryl Kahlid and Robert Price, December
2019 Presented 7th Dan to Senior Master C. Brandt (USA) and Senior Master J. Manna (USA), December 7
2019 Sam Soki Ralph Black Jr. Grandmaster Darryl Kahlid presented 9th Dan to Brian D. Manna, December 7
2019 Held Five (5) TEMAS Championship 2019 in support of the VMAL, San Diego CA
2019 Honored to presented Twenty-three (23) members of Manna's Martial Arts with Dan levels of rank.
2019 Held 33rd Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2019 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to twenty-six (11) participants
2019 Hosted 6th Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser
2018 Held Five (5) TEMAS Championship through the year of 2018, San Diego CA
2016 Presented Sahar Mesri(USA) with Instructor 4th Dan KDJ, September 15
2018 Honored to presented Thity-two (32) members of Manna's Martial Arts with Dan levels of rank.
2018 Held 32nd Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2018 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to twenty-six (26) participants
2018 Honored to support Jenna Kressin/Teacher at the TSD program at Cornell University, NY
2018 Honored to support John Brady/Teacher at the TSD program at Genral Atomics Campus, Poway CA
2018 Instructed 9 clinics with support of Sr. Master Brandt, Sr. Master Janet Manna and Sue Hue/4th Dan
2018 Hosted 5th Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser
2017 Held Five (5) TEMAS Championship through the year of 2017, San Diego CA
2017 Honored to presented forty-one(41) members of Manna's Martial Arts with Dan levels of rank.
2017 Held 31st Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2017 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to twenty-two (22) participants
2017 Instructed 8 clinics with support of Sr. Master Brandt and Sr. Master Janet Manna
2017 Hosted 4th Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser
2016 Held Five (5) TEMAS/VMAL Championship through the year of 2016, San Diego CA
2016 Presented Alex Zoppi,(USA) Emma Espinoza,(USA) and Sue Huey (USA) with Instructor 4th Dan KDJ, August 27
2016 Honored to presented forty-five(45) members of Manna's Martial Arts with Dan levels of rank.
2016 Held 30th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2016 United Kingdom, London, KJN Manna taught International Seminars and Clinics, Summer
2016 Hosted 3rd Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser
2016 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to eighteen (18) participants
2015 Held Five (5) TEMAS/VMAL Championship through the year of 2015, San Diego CA
2015 Celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Manna's Martial Arts, Septenber
2015 Held 29th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2015 Hosted 2nd Annual TEMAS banquet and fundraiser
2015 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to twelve (12) participants
2014 Held Five (5) TEMAS/VMAL Championship through the year of 2014, San Diego CA
2014 Hosted 1st TEMAS banquet and fundraiser
2014 Held 28th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2014 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to eleven (11) participants
2014 Presented Faith Andrews (UK) with 4the Dan Certification and Master's Ring
2013 Presented Senior Master C. Brandt (USA) and Senior Master J. Manna (USA) with Certification of 6th Dan
2013 Held Six (6) TEMAS/VMAL Championship through the year of 2013, San Diego CA
2013 Presented TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to seven (7) participants
2014 Held 27th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2013 Produced Self Defense Instructional DVD through TEMAS, (Ho Sin Sul Hapki-do and Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun)
2012 Held Four (4) TEMAS/VMAL Championship through the year of 2012, San Diego CA
2012 Two trips to London, UK Teaching Clinics and classes in support of SHMA
2012 Presented Senior Master C. Brandt, Senior Master M. Pattison and Senior Master J. Manna with 6th Dans Belts
2012 Expansion of HQ Manna's Martial Arts to ~10,000 sq.ft.
2012 Held 26th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2012 Presented first TEMAS Varsity Martial Arts Leauge awards to two participants
2012 Legends of Martial Arts honored guest and award recipient
2012 Grandmaster Sponsor of "Legends of the Martial Arts" Hall of Fame, USA National Karate Championship
2012 Produced Instructors Combat Staff Defense Instructional DVD through TEMAS, (Bong Soo Sik Dae Ryun)
2011 United Kingdom, London, KJN Manna taught International Seminars and Clinics, November 22-27
2011 United Kingdom, Presented TEMAS 4th Dan Jr. Master to Faith Andrews, November 25
2013 Produced Instructors Self Defense Instructional DVD through TEMAS, (Ho Sin Sul Hapki-do and Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun)
2011 Diplomate of the American College of Defense Tactics, September
2011 Held 25th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2011 Announce Master C. Brandt, Master M. Pattison and Master J. Manna will be testing for 6th Dan, 2012
2011 Designation of Professor Certification Pal Dan - 8th Degree Black Belt, August by Grandmaster/Dr. Ric Black Jr.
2011 8th Dan Certification, CMK Taekwondo August
2010 Held 24th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2010 Promotor for PWP's MMA event: 'War on the Mainland' in Irvine, CA 2010/08/14
2010 Recieved Professional Promoter License by the California State Athletic Commission*
2010 Produced Dagger Instructional DVD through TEMAS
2009 Held 23rd Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2009 Produced Tang Soo Do Back Belt Forms/ Weapons Instructional DVD through TEMAS
2009 500th Dan Member Presented with TEMAS Dan Certification
2008 Held 22nd Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2008 Expanded TEMAS to the United Kingdom, Faith Andrews 3rd Dan
2008 Tang Soo Do 7th Dan Certification by TSDMWA by Grandmaster Andy Ah Po
2008 Coordinator of 'Getting in Touch, Accessing, and Channeling Ki' by Grandmaster Andy Ah Po, Phoenix
2007 Held 21st Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2006 Held 20th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2006 Grandmaster Induction Ceremony by SAMA & SDAMA (photo of attending Ko Dan Ja above)
2006 7th Dan TEMAS Tang Soo Do Certification
2006 Grandmaster/Tang Soo Do 7th Dan Certification by SAMA, SDAMA
2006 Grandmaster Wilson and Grandmaster Khalid announce May TEMAS Dan Test presented Brian Manna with title of Grandmaster
2006 Produced Grandmaster Andy Ah Po DVD Series through TEMAS
2006-2007 Infragard Sector Chief (FBI), Community Service Sector, San Diego CA
2006 Presented 5th Dan Master to Janet Manna and 4th Dan Jr. Master to Christian Hunter
2005 Held 19th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2005 Produced Grandmaster Khalid Chi Gong DVD Series through TEMAS
2005 FBI Citizens' Academy Graduate, San Diego CA. Current participant.
2004 Held 18th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2004 Outlined and Created Leadership Development Program
2004 Produced Tang Soo Do Instructional Forms DVD through TEMAS
2004 First Personal students received 5th Dan Masters: Chris Brandt, Mark Pattison, Steve Simpson
2003 Held 17th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2003 Presented Songin as a formal martial arts style and began teaching Songin to adults.
2002 Held 16th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2002 Developed Martial Arts Business Development Seminars. First presented in Atlanta, GA and San Diego, CA
2002-2008 Tactical Master Instructor of CDT Non-Deadly Force Training, by Tom Patire
2001 Held 15th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2001 Presented 4th Dan/Master to Janet K. Manna
2001 Manna's After School Karate MASK Founder - CA. Licensed Day-care
2000 Held 14th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
2000 World Karate Union Hall of Fame Inductee July 1st, presented by Grandmaster Gary Alexander
2000 CA State TKD Coach of the Year, Olympic TKD
1999 Held 13th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1999-2000 Tiger Team, MMA Olympic Taekwondo Coach 1999-2000
1999 Hall of Fame Inductee, WKU, PA
1999 6th Dan TEMAS Certification, by Grandmaster James Wilson and Grandmaster Darryl Khalid
1999 First personal students received 4th Dan Jr. Masters: Chris Brandt, Mark Pattison, Steve Simpson
1998 Held 12th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1997 Held 11th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1997 250th Dan Member Presented with TEMAS Dan Certification
1996 Held 10th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1995 Held 9th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1995 Manna's Martial Arts opened the doors to the current 7,000 sq ft. facility,
1994 Held 8th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1994 First personal students received 3rd Dan
1993 Held 7th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1993 TEMAS began awarding scholarships for college to martial arts participants.
1993 Extension Tang Soo Do Program at March Air Force Base, Riverside CA
1993 Opened UTSDK Encinitas studio, today is Center for Martial Arts owned by Master Mark Pattison
1993 5th Dan TEMAS Tang Soo Do Certification
1992 Held 6th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1992 English Judo Association and Related Martial Arts Certification, 5th Dan by Soke J.D.Taylor
1992 AHZAH - A Karate Master Adventure Board game manufactured and sold through Century Martial Arts
1991 Held 5th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1991 Master Instructor of Norton Air Force Base taught by Marshal Dorcey
1991 The Educational Martial Arts System, Inc. Chief Executive Director
1991 Founding Master of The Educational Martial Arts System, Inc., Kwon Jang Nim
1989-1990 Produced Tang Soo Do Instructional Video 3 tape series through TEMAS
1990 Held 5th Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1990 Bunbu Ichi Zendi Kyo Ki, Shihan and Region Head
1990 First personal students received 2nd Dan
1990 4th Dan Moo Duk Kwon Certification BIZKK by Soke Ric Black
1989 Held 3rd Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1998 Held 2nd Year Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1988 First personal students received Black Belt
1988 Featured in 'Karate' by Larry Dane Brimner FB Book, Franklin Watts, students and Brian D. Manna Featured in book
1997 Held 1st 3 Day Karate Camp in the mountains of Julian CA
1987 Re-Certification: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dan UMAF Grandmaster Y.K.Kwon & Grandmaster Y.H.Kwon
1987 First student manual published for membership
1987 Opened 1st commercial studio in Westwood, United Tang Soo Do Karate, Rancho Bernardo CA
1986 Assist in the formation of UMAF with Grandmaster Y.K.Kwon & Grandmaster Y.H.Kwon
1986 ASE (After School Enrichment) Founder, Martial Arts Programs
1985 Opened program at Westwood Swin and Tennis Club, Westwood, Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, CA
1985 WTSDA Life Time/Gold Membership #G-010 by Grandmaster Jae C. Shin
1983 Aided in opening of Tang Soo Do Karate Institute Mira Mesa, CA
WTSDA Dan Certification
1978 Aided in the opening of Kwon's Karate Mira Mesa, CA
WTSDA Building Plans Award Winner, architectural drawings
Student of Grandmaster Youn H. Kwon, CA
Student of Grandmaster Young K. Kwon, PA
1969 Introduction to Shotokan martial arts by Patricia Olekszyk (formerly Patricia Gane)
1957 Inspired by martial arts images (book brought back from Pacific War)at age of three, thank you Dad.
*In 2010, Mr. Manna partnered with Tony Martinez to form Powerhouse World Promotions (PWP) and Marnan Enterprises.
These companies were formed to support the existing and up and coming world champions of boxing and MMA. Mr. Manna received a Professional Promoter License by the California State Athletic Commission to hold the 'War on the Mainland' that was held in Irvine, California on August 14, 2010 with the aid of Joe Moreira/Fight Card Co-Ordinator. A world class MMA Training Clinic that was held at Manna's Martial Arts in San Diego CA on August 8, 2010. November 2010 Mr. Manna along with Mr. Martinez merged both companies into PWP, Inc. in which Mr. Manna is currently not active.