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SHMA Safeguarding

Keeping Children Safe In Education, Safeguarding & Good Practice

SHMA is committed to Keeping Children Safe in Education, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in Martial Arts. 


All children are entitled to feel safe and protected from any form of abuse and neglect, 

and have the right to take part in Martial Arts in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment. 

Keeping children safe in education is of vital importance.


Keeping children safe in education, Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined within statutory guidance “Working Together to Safeguard Children” as protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. 


Our Safeguarding statement is based on the following points to maintain our primary goal of keeping children safe in education.

• The welfare of the child (Student) is paramount.

• All participants regardless of age, sex, ability or disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or 

   belief, size, or sexual orientation have the right to protection from harm. on any platform.

• All allegations, suspicions of harm and concerns will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately,

• We will all work together to promote student welfare, health and development.

Key Terms

Safeguarding Team 

The Safeguarding Team consists of the Designated Lead Protection Officer and the Welfare officer.



The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as anyone under 18. The UK has ratified this convention. For the purposes of this Safeguarding Statement this legal definition applies.


Children’s Workforce 

Everyone who works with children either as a volunteer or as an employee is part of the children’s workforce.


Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) 

The DBS is responsible for processing requests for criminal records checks, taking decisions on whether it is appropriate to place a person on or remove a person from the DBS Children’s or Adults’ Barred List for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 


Regulated Activity

‘Regulated Activity’ means the statutory definition of the term as set out in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (as amended) (“SVGA”) that for the SHMA purposes shall be construed as meaning: any coaching and training of children; and/or any teaching, instruction, care or supervision of children, carried out by the same person frequently (once a week or more often), or on four or more days in a 30 day period, or overnight.

Instructors & Senior Class Assistants

SHMA is committed to keeping children safe in education, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all Instructors, Class assistants and volunteers to uphold this commitment. Students (Children) are entitled to participate in Martial Arts in a safe and positive environment. Our requirements for Instructors and Senior Class assistants will aid us and others alike to reduce the risk of abuse to children. When allowing Class assistants or volunteers into the lives of our students (Children) all reasonable steps must be taken to ensure only suitable people are given this opportunity and experience. All persons involved need to understand their role and responsibilites for keeping children safe in education using safeguarding procedures and promoting the continued safe welfare of students (Children). All persons need to know how they should respond to a child protection concern and how to make a referal to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) or to the police if necessary.

Keeping children safe in education requires that the Senior Instuctor of any class which is a regulated activity to be subject to an enhanced DBS check through a regulated school and have completed the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport and Physical Activity (or similar) course. These checks and an understanding of how to teach and supervise students (Children) in a an Educational Physical setting will prevent harm to children, intentionally and acidentally. By adhering to these standards and with consistant monitoring off all persons encouraged by all will promote and provide a good and safe practice environment.

Junior Class Assistants

Junior Class assistants are students (Under 16 Yrs) who are gaining their class leadership and assisting credits in order to proceed towards their Black-belt examination, are volunteering for their DOE assesments or have been asked to assist by Master Carmichael in certain classes where a Junior Class assistant will gain comnfidence and inspire other younger students (Children). SHMA requires all Junior Class assistants who regularly assist a specific class to wear the SHMA orange assistant T'shirt to denote their role in the class. The Junior class assistant may only supervise the students with an Instructor or Senior Class assistant in the class. The Junior class assistant may only follow the instruction of the Instructor or Senior Class assistant and may not take it upon themselfs to allow students to leave the class or change any instruction given. The Junior Instructor is required to request permission from the Senior Class Instructor if they wish to leave the class for any reason; this will ensure our aims of Keeping Children Safe in Education and the promotion of safeguarding for everone.

In line with the view that everyone is responsible for keeping children safe in Education All our Class assistants are asked to speak out regarding any infringement (even in jest) of our Principles (Justice, Sincerity & Responsibilty) to prevent any form of student misconduct or bullying.

Roles & Responsibilities

In order to comply within the legal and regulatory framework, SHMA will work together, each with clear roles, in order to ensure the safeguarding of children.


  • Has appointed a Designated lead Safety officer to manage its safeguarding programme:

       Faith Carmichael  

        07714 425883

  • Has knowledge of our teaching venues safeguarding contacts:

        Britt Brooke 

        Avenue Academy, Sutton.

        020 8642 5138

         Mrs Melanie Elsey.

         Devonshire Primary School, Sutton

​         0208 643 1174

  • Has knowledge of the Local Authority Designated Officer contact:

        Sutton LADO 

         0208 770 4776

  • Has displayed the SHMA CONTACT Welfare Officer contact details:

       Charlotte Arnold

  • Manages all required DBS checks and informs the DBS of anyone removed from SHMA in relation to keeping children safe in education. 


  • Ensures the familiarity of the keeping children safe in education safeguarding programme and provides appropriate training and support to all persons.

  •  Manages all keeping children safe in education safeguarding and child protection incident referrals in accordance with the Local Authority Designated Officer. 

  • Reviews and continually develope the SHMA Safeguarding Statement annually or upon an updated mandate from LADO or the school Venue where classes are taught, and insures all those in a position of assisting understand our Statement to keep children safe in education and have a review session annually or as needed in light of any changes, misunderstandings or concerns.

  • Upholds SHMA safe, friendly and welcoming environment and treats all students (children) with respect ensuring the continuance of keeping children safe in education and promotion of best practices.


  • Completes any training considered appropriate for their role of any person within SHMA.

  • Maintains a Welfare officer to manage appropriately any keeping children safe in education and safeguarding concerns of Master  Faith Carmichael (Designated Safe Guarding Officer)


  • Inform by email to all members if there is a change to the Designated Safe Guarding Officer or Club Welfare officer. 


  • Maintains the Publication of the SHMA Keeping Children Safe in Education safeguarding Statement on the unlocked section of the SHMA website.

  • Ensures that at any student (Child) disciplinary will be conducted with students (child's) emotional wellbeing and in Statement of the keeping children safe in education guidance being considered and if needed further advise will be sought.

Leaves Shadow

What is Abuse:

Abuse is maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by others (e.g. via the internet). They may be abused by an adult or adults or another child or children.

There are four main types of abuse: 


An individual may abuse or neglect a child directly or may be responsible for abuse by failing to prevent another person harming that child. Bullying is also abusive behaviour which generally incorporates more than one of the four types of abusive behaviour. Those involved with children should be aware that abuse, neglect and safeguarding issues are rarely standalone events that can be covered by one definition or label and in most cases, multiple issues will overlap with one another. 

Physical Abuse 

Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical abuse may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child. Examples of physical abuse in sport include extreme physical punishments; forcing a child into training and competition that exceeds the capacity of his or her immature and growing body or limitations of a disability; assaulting a person; or where the child is given drugs to enhance performance or in the case of a child, delay puberty.

Sexual Abuse 

Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative sexual acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual photographic or online images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via text or the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.

Emotional Abuse 

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or “making fun” of what they say or how they communicate. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’s developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing them from participating in normal social interaction. It may involve a child seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another as well as serious bullying (including on-line bullying) causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may also occur alone. Examples of emotional abuse in sport include subjecting children to constant criticism, namecalling, and sarcasm or bullying. 



Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of their health or development. Neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to: provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment); protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger; ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate caregivers); or ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs. Examples of neglect in sport could include: not ensuring children are safe; exposing them to undue cold or heat or unsuitable weather conditions, or exposing them to unnecessary risk of injury. Bullying Bullying is often considered to be a fifth type of abuse but when it does occur it usually has elements of one or more of the four categories identified. The bully can be a parent who pushes too hard, a coach or manager with a ‘win at all costs’ attitude or another intimidating child. It should also be recognised that bullying can take place in the virtual world of social networking sites, emails or text messages (online bullying sometimes referred to as cyberbullying). Bullying is serious and must not be ignored and in common with all other forms of abuse the victim should be supported through what can be a traumatic experience. Bullying will not just go away. Bullies can be very cunning and develop strategies to avoid it being seen by anyone but the victim. Bullying takes many forms, but ultimately it is the perception of the victim that determines whether or not they are being bullied rather than the intention of the bully. There are opportunities to bully at any rugby club or activity. It is the way that bullying concerns are dealt with which makes the difference between life being tolerable or becoming a misery for the victim.


Poor Practice 

Poor practice arises when the needs of children are not afforded the necessary priority, compromising their wellbeing. Poor practice can easily turn into abuse if it is not dealt with as soon as concerns are raised or reported. Clubs which allow poor practice to go unchallenged may find that their culture is one which allows abuse to exist and be accepted as the norm. Examples of poor practice may include shouting at a student (Child), excessive class training, ridicule of children or children’s errors, ignoring health and safety guidelines and failing to adhere to the club’s code of conduct. 

Signs of Abuse

Possible signs of abuse include, but are not limited to: 

The student (child) says he/she has been abused or asks a question or makes a comment which gives rise to that inference;

• There is no reasonable or consistent explanation for a student (child's) injury, the injury is unusual  in kind or location  

   or there have been a number of injuries and there is a pattern to the  injuries.

• The student's (child's) behaviour stands out from the group as either being extreme model behaviour or extremely challenging behaviour, or there is a sudden or significant change in the student's (child's) behaviour.

• The student's (child's) development is delayed, the child loses or gains weight or there is deterioration in the student's (child's) general wellbeing.

•  The student (child) appears neglected, e.g. dirty, hungry, inadequately clothed.

 • The student (child) is reluctant to go home, or has been openly rejected by his/her parents or carers.

 • Inappropriate behaviour displayed by other members of the club or any other person working with children, for 

    example inappropriate sexual comments; excessive one-to-one attention beyond the requirements of their usual role  

    or responsibilities; or inappropriate sharing of images. 

Leaves Shadow

Good Practice Guidance maintaining our Statement of
Keeping Children Safe in Education


SHMA's aim is to create a culture where everyone feels confident to raise legitimate concerns without prejudice to their own position.

Concerns about the behaviour of Instructors, assistants or any other person within SHMA's. All comncerns must be reported to the appropriate person or body, While remembering that it is the safety and welfare of children that is of paramount importance, there will be times when those responsible will need to exercise discretion and common sense to ensure their wellbeing. This guidance is designed to provide information on a number of different topics which will help all SHMA's members, Instructors, Assistants & Volunteers ensure the safety, friendly and welcoming environments for all.


Safe Environment:

A safe environment is one where: 

  • The possibility of abuse is openly acknowledged and understood.

  • The Instructors, assistants and volunteers at events are understand their roles and may ask for guidance at any time.

  • Any report, suspicion or concern will be treated seriously and confidentially. ​

  • Communication is imparative to maintaining a safe environment;  choosing the correct and appropriate method of  providing information to children (Email/Text to parents), listening to children’s views on matters which affect them, as well as considering how to communicate in an emergency (mobile/landline). Messages relating to children, sent via telephone, emails and texts, should be through their parents/guardians.  Direct personal communication with children should be avoided at all times, unless there are exceptional circumstances e.g. risk of harm. SHMA will allow students  to email SHMA/Contact us with the understanding that any parent may view any communication at any time.

  • All steps should be taken to exclude anyone who may pose a threat to children. 

  • The training & monitoring of the behaviour and performance of new volunteers and Class assistants should be for a lenghty period to ensure they are following best practice.

  • All Class assistants and volunteers when working with children must avoid working in isolation or out of the sight of parents or other volunteers. While volunteers and employees are awaiting their DBS disclosure they must be supervised by someone who does have DBS clearance. Risk assessments should be undertaken to determine whether it is appropriate for a person to commence working with children prior to receipt of the DBS disclosure and what level of supervision is appropriate. They should not work without supervision at any time until their DBS has been cleared.

  • Parents/carers should be advised that it is not acceptable to drop children off without checking that there is appropriate Instructor supervision.

  • Class Instructors must be over 18 Yrs with an enhanced DBS, child Safeguarding knowledge, understanding teaching in sport certificate and be first aid qualified. 

  • All persons involved with SHMA should clearly understand the need to maintain appropriate boundaries in their dealings with children and young people. Intimate or sexual relationships between those working with students (children) will be regarded as a grave breach of trust and will be treated very seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including barring individuals from attending training sessions. All adults should ensure that their relationships with children are appropriate to the age and gender of the children, and take care that their language or conduct does not give rise to comment or speculation. Attitudes, demeanour and language all require care and thought, particularly when adults are dealing with adolescent students. From time to time adults may encounter young people who display attention-seeking behaviour, or profess to be attracted to them. All adults should aim to deal with those situations sensitively and appropriately, but ensure that their behaviour cannot be misinterpreted. In these circumstances, the adult should also ensure that the club’s safeguarding Lead officer is aware of the situation. The sexual offences legislation in the UK already provides that any sexual activity between adults and children under 16 is illegal and constitutes abuse. The primary motivation for legislation which addresses the abuse of positions of trust is the need to protect young people aged 16 and 17 who, despite reaching the age of consent for sexual activity, are considered to be vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation in defined circumstances. This includes sexual activity and relationships with adults who hold a position of trust, responsibility or authority in relation to them and, as a result, have a considerable amount of power and influence in their lives. The law defines specific roles and settings where sexual activity between 16 and 17 year olds and those in positions of trust, responsibility or authority constitutes a criminal offence. Currently being an instrucor or assistant is not considered under the law as a specified role. While it may not be a criminal offence in the Martial Arts setting it will be treated very seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including barring individuals from attending Martial Arts training. 

  • Coaching Techniques which employ inappropriate contact between adults and children is unacceptable and a number of principles should be followed when teaching Martial Arts:

       - Pyhysical handling by an Instructor must only be used for safety reasons or where there is no other way of coaching 

          the technique.

  *      Martial Arts requires appropriate contact between all members (Sparring, 1-1 techniques etc) and all persons involved should have    

           a clear understanding of this. 

       - The reasons for physical contact should be explained wherever practical so that children and their parents are 

          comfortable with this approach.

  *      All students (Children's) parents will by implied agreement, when enrolling their child into SHMA agree that their child will be    

           physically taught with appropriate contact in an appropriate manor and understand that Martial Arts is physically demanding,

           focused and disciplined and does/will involve contact with other students, some of which may be adults in the class.

       - Instructors should not proceed with the action and consider alternatives if the child appears to be apprehensive or  

          reluctant, or if there are other concerns about the child’s likely reaction.

       - Discipline in the Martial Arts is the responsibility of the class Instructor. Disiplining students who display a lack of  

          respect towards the Instructor, assistants or fellow students, a lack of focus or care which impedes the class instructor 

          teaching or injures or potentionally injures another student. *Students may be given a verbal reprimand loudly in the 

          class if the suituation requires an immediate response to prevent an injury (this maybe considered a "shout" and        

          should be understood that in a class it may be required at the time to prevent an injury if the Instructor is not within close proximity of

          the student). 

        - Physical intervention to stop students fighting without instructional training (Sparring), often referred to in education as ‘Positive    

           Handling’, should only be used to achieve an outcome that is in the best interests of children, such as to prevent children from hurting  

           themselves or others. It must never be used as a form of punishment. 

  •     Adults and children must never use the same changing or wash room facilities at a venue to shower or change at the 

           same time.  All Direct afterschool class students (children) are to be placed at opporsite sides of the training hall for 

           changing. We allow Primary aged students (children) upto and including 7 yrs of age to change in the hall under 

           supervison and assistance if required (undoing buttons, tieing uniforms & belts etc). All assisting must only be by an 

           enhanced DBS class assistant in full vierw of the class. We ask that all students over the age of 8 years change in a 

           more suitable location (toilets or changing rooms).  All students (children) under 8 years of age may request to change 

           in the toilets. All students who attend a non direct after school class are requested to attend in uniform or if needed 

           they must change in the Adult only toilet area. We require all female students who are aged 8 years and older to wear a suitable white vest

           or T'shirt under their Do Bohk (TSD uniform).

Photographic Images 

       - SHMA welcomes the taking of appropriate images of students (children) in special events (belt grading, competition, certificate

         presentations etc). Parental consent for photographs taken by a non SHMA Personnel will be required before being allowed to be suitably,

         and legally displayed.

      - SHMA personnel under the authority of Master Carmichael will occasionally take class photos to display on our website. We inform all

         members and members parents if under 18 years of age that any photo of them displayed will be removed immediately upon request. We            also ask parents to inform us on becoming a member if they consent to our use of of photograpghs on our website


Mobile Phones

      - All in class student mobile phones are required to be left on the administration table , in a screen down position. 

         This is to prevent non authorised photo or video taking or any acusations of misuse between members. 

      - All persons watching the class are required to turn their mobile phones to silent so as not to distract the class and 

         possibly cause an injury; they must also remain in a covered position (Pocket, bag) the entirety of their time that they 

         are in venue.

Viewing of your child in classes

        - SHMA welcomes family members to watch their child in class. 

        - We only permit viewing in classes that start AFTER 5pm and weekend classes. Any Person (adult or child) must remain in the training hall

           in the authorised seating area the entirety of the students lesson. They must also refrain from communicating with the student in

          training or any other student (especially a child) and must be accompanied to the toilet facilities.

Keeping Children Safe in Education Procedures

How to react to concerns about the welfare and safety of children and Keeping Children Safe in Education

The Safeguarding and Keeping Children Safe in Education is everyone’s responsibility. This means that everyone in SHMA has a responsibility to respond to any concerns that they or others, may have about a child, or the behaviour of an adult. This relates to concerns which arise both within the training environment and outside of the training environment. Harm in the context of this Statement is an action or behaviour which has a detrimental effect on a child’s physical or emotional health or wellbeing. Neither poor practice nor suspicions of harm should be ignored. Whether physical, sexual, emotional, bullying or neglect, suspicions of harm should always be reported and victims supported throughout. Please refer to our safeguarding action chart for the steps to be followed. The action chart does not distinguish between the environment in which the concerns arise whether inside or outside the training environment. It is also appropriate to follow this procedure for allegations of abuse by one child against another.


Keeping children safe Education requires all persons to in the training environment do not ignore any signs of harm.

These signs may include a child: 

- changing their usual routine 

- beginning to be disruptive during sessions 

- becoming withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence 

- having possessions going missing 

- becoming aggressive or unreasonable 

- starting to stammer or stopping communicating 

- having unexplained cuts or bruises

- starting to bully other children 

- being frequently dirty, hungry or inadequately dressed 

- displaying sexual behaviour or using sexual language inappropriate for their age 

- seeming afraid of parents or carers 

- stopping eating 

- being frightened to say what’s wrong 

- not wanting to attend training or club activities

- or even leaving the club 


All Abuse or allegation from any person should always be taken seriously and any concerns should be reported immediately using the SHMA Action Chart.

Any report must be made in writing.

Dealing with Concerns Any member of the children’s workforce who suspects abuse or neglect or hears a complaint of abuse or neglect: 

- should listen carefully to the child and keep an open mind. 

- They should not take a decision as to whether or not the abuse has taken place

- should not ask leading questions, i.e. a question which suggests its own answer

- should reassure the child but not give a guarantee of absolute confidentiality. 


The adult should explain that they need to pass on the information in accordance with this Statement so that the correct action can be taken; and should keep a sufficient written record of the conversation.

The record should include:

(i) the date and time 

(ii) the place of the conversation 

(iii) the essence of what was said and done by whom and in whose presence;  and should be signed by the person making it, using names and not initials

All other evidence, for example, scribbled notes, mobile phones containing text messages, clothing, computers, should be kept securely with the written record (see below) and passed on when reporting the matter in accordance with this Policy. Recording the Concern All concerns about a child should be recorded in writing. Records should be factual and signed and dated, with the name of the signatory clearly printed in writing. Records should include:

Safeguarding Children Policy 25

- The child’s details: name, date of birth, address and family details

- Date and time of the event / concern

- The action taken and by whom

- The name and position of the person making the record.


An individual who becomes aware of any suspicions or concerns about the safety or welfare of a child should pass these on to the CSO as soon as possible. If they feel the child is in immediate risk of abuse then a statutory agency (local Authority Designated Officer) should be contacted immediately. 

How to Keep Children Safe in Education and react to concerns about the welfare and safety of children 

How SHMA will respond to any allegation, suspicions or concerns.  

SHMA encourages and supports all concerns be reported and will, where appropriate, notify the statutory agencies of any allegation and work in partnership with them and following their guidence. 

The wellbeing of any child must be central to any procedures involving them. 

SHMA will work in partnership with the Local Authorised Designated Officer to support both the victim and witnesses. 

All incidents, suspicions and concerns regarding a child must to be reported to the SHMA Safeguarding Team as soon as possible. 

Should your concern be about Master Carmichael the DSLPO we ask that you contact our Welfare officer who will investigate and make the nesecarry responces.

Once the SHMA DLSPO or the SHMA Welfare officer receives any notification notification of an incident, allegation or disclosure it will assume management of the case.

If the case is being investigated by the police the SHMA Safeguarding Team will liaise with them and discuss whether or not to proceed with SHMA disciplinary action (Suspention from SHMA) prior to or alongside the police investigation. 

The matter may also be referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer, LADO where there is an allegation made against SHMA Instructors, Class assistants or volunteers who work with children.

The DLSPO will manage the allegation and provide advice, manage the case and liaise with other agencies such as the police.

Once the LADO receives a concern, the club will take no further action until advised to do so by  relevant authority. 

SHMA will ensure that all persons that are required to be kept informed of procedure and progress are done in a timly manor. 

Safeguarding investigations are handled by the SHMA Safeguarding Team whos first and foremost concern is keeping children safe in education and protecting the the interests of the child.

Complaints re the handling of a safeguarding concern and Keeping Children Safe in Education


If you have a complaint in relation to keeping children safe in education a safeguarding process undertaken by SHMA, please choose the appropriate authority to contact.

What we do ask is that if you have any Keeping Children Safe in Education safeguarding concern please contact Master Carmichael to request an answer to any allegation. 

We will answer any safeguarding concern immediately (or at the end of an in class training session, but we will text or email our intent to make contact as soon as the class has finished or a suitable Instructor can take over) and provide a full written explanation if required. 

We have had misunderstandings in the past whereby parents have been told something a child has misunderstood (Cha Ryut is attention and not Shut Up for which we were obligated to attend a child safeguarding concern meeting) this could of been avoided with a phone call or email.


If you do not feel comfortable contacting Master Carmichel (if this is the person of concern) or feel you have NOT received an adequate explanation then DO make the necessary contact to our welfare officer or/and the Local Authority Designated Officer.

Leaves Shadow



  • SHMA Designated Lead Safety officer

       Faith Carmichael  

        07714 425883

  • Avenue Academy Safeguarding Contact 

        Britt Brooke 

        Avenue Academy, Sutton.

        020 8642 5138

  •         Devonshire School Safeguarding Contact 

      Melanie Elsey.

        Devonshire Primary School, Sutton. 

  0208 643 1174

  • Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) contact

        Sutton LADO 

         0208 770 4776

  • SHMA Welfare Officer contact 

       Charlotte Arnold


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