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New Term Booking
Snow Herons Martial Arts
Student Faq's/Info!
Avenue Vehicle Access Information
Vehicle access for SHMA classes at the Avenue are
Mondays 6 - 8:15pm
Tuesdays 6 - 8:30pm
Fridays 6 - 8:15pm
Saturdays 8:45 - 1pm
Vehicles are
NOT permitted
to enter or turn in the sports hall carpark
Drivers are reminded that the signposted speed limit is
(5 mph)
Any person who disregards
the vehicle access point / speed limit
will loose their vehicle access rights for the school year
What to Wear to Classes
All primary school students may wear their school PE kit for their 1st term of Martial Arts. After their 1st term all Primary School students are required to buy a SHMA uniform and protective head-guard.
All senior school students & adults may train for 4 weeks in suitable clothing, (Jogging bottoms & a T'shirt). After this 4 week period all Senior School students & adults are required to buy a SHMA uniform and protective head-guard.
Leggings, Jeans & Frilly T'shirts are not permitted to be worn.
Only Snow Herons Martial Arts uniforms may be worn.
All students can buy the SHMA uniform & Head-guard at any point from joining SHMA.
The SHMA uniform & Head-guard can be purchased from our shop on this website.
Students require the Head Guard and SHMA uniform to Grade.
Any further questions regarding what to wear, please do Contact Us
Our Calendar Information
Our website Calendar will give you the following information
All Scheduled, Cancelled & Time Adjusted classes
All scheduled Belt Grading dates
All Holiday Camp dates
Added In-venue & On-Line Zoom make-up class dates
Focus Workshop classes
Competition dates
International Seminar dates
Afterschool Snacks & Drinks
Our food "rules" will differ from other after-school activities !
If in any doubt, bring an apple or banana!
Students may bring 1 / (2) small heathy snack to the following classes
Avenue Mondays 3-4:30/(5)pm
Avenue Tuesdays 3 - 4:30/(5)pm
Devonshire Thursdays 3 - 4:30/(5)pm
Avenue Fridays 2:15 - 4/(4:45)pm
Permitted small heathy snacks
Fruit (Grapes must be cut in half)
We recommend that you cut apples/Oranges for the younger student.
Water is the only drink permitted - no juices
Any further questions regarding snacks, please do Contact Us
Missed Classes
All monthly paying students may attend (per week) their class booking quota (1/2/U), on any day at any suitable class. If SHMA cancels a class, the classes missed may be caught up within 12 weeks at any suitable class. Monthly paying students may catch up in a term term.
All termly paying students may catch up any missed class at any suitable class within the term booked. Classes missed by the student may not be caught up in a new term; they are voided at the end of the booked term. If SHMA cancels a class, the classes missed may be caught up within 12 weeks at any suitable class which includes a new term. after the 12 weeks classes not caught up are voided.
To catch up a missed classes you need to check the classes page to view the classes and select the class suitable for your child's age and grade and then check the calendar to confirm the class is scheduled and then use the Contact Us form to request attendance at the class; admin will reply to you.
Membership & Insurance
Our termly Insurance fees.
All Students who pay termly will be charged £1 per term for Insurance. This will be added directly to the term booking fee.
Insurance is inclusive of monthly fee students
All monthly paying students will not be charged the extra fee; this is included in their monthly fee.
Black Belts pay annual TEMAS Membership ($25).
Jewllery & Religious Threads
All jewellery, apart from wedding rings must be removed for both the student and partners safety. Once a student becomes a 6th Gup Intermediate belt, religious threads are required to be covered with a tennis style wrist band.
Online Bank Transfer Payment
All Students paying via online bank transfer for any class or event are required to reference the payment with the students full name.
Payment details are:
F. Carmichael
Students not referenced correctly cannot be marked as paid and may
miss out on an event.
What does "it" Mean
DAS: Direct After School.
Level: Junior Beginner belt grades for the 4-7 Yr olds.
Gup: Coloured Belt Rank.
Dan: Black Belt Rank.
SHMA: Snow Herons Martial Arts.
TEMAS: The Educational Martial Arts System.
Student Medication / Injury / Illness
If your child is sick please do not bring them to class!
If a student has missed a school day they cannot attend the Martial Art lesson on this day.
If the student has a minor sprain or finger/toe break they will not receive a refund or credit. If the student has a arm/wrist fracture etc we will credit the paid fees remaining to the new term; you will not receive a refund.
Any very serious illness to a student which requires the absence of the student we will be either credit or refund (parents decision).
Collection & Late Collection Fees
We as that you have a class collection buddy nominated to hold onto your child if you are running late.
We are not permitted to hand your child to the school if you are running late.
If you require another parent/person who is not a nominated collector we require you to text us on the day (077144 253883) with their name and relationship (Friend, Partner, Grandparent, Uncle, childminder etc).
We do understand things happen outside of your control but we are not hear to "babysit" your child.
All classes have a collection time; this is shown on the classes list and the classes booking section of the shop.
Our late collection fees while a class in training (No class in training):
0-10 minutes £2 (£3) Advanced Students £0
11 -15 minutes £3 £4) Advanced Students £0
16 -20 minutes £4 (£6)
21 - 30 minutes £5 (£8)
31 - 45 minutes £10 (15)
46 - 60 minutes £15 (£20)
All late fees are required before we allow the student to attend further training.
All Master Instructor late fees are donated to the dogs trust.
Please nominate a class collection buddy
Trial Lessons
We offer Free Trial lessons to many of our classes at the Avenue Primary Academy.
To book a free trial please Contact Us informing us of the class you wish to attend and the students name and age. Please do share with us if the student has any learning, physical or emotional difficulties - we may suggest a class more suited to your child (smaller class numbers, less physically demanding class etc).
Private Lessons with Master Carmichael
Private Lessons are available as "one off" or regular bookings for focus classes for a students upcoming belt grading, competition, training confidence or catch-up, a non training family member readying for university (personal safety etc).
Private lessons can be In-Venue, Home or Via Zoom.
30 Minute lessons: IV £25 / H £45 / Z £25
45 Minute lessons: IV £35 / H £45 / Z £35
60 Minute lessons: IV £45 / H £60 / Z £45
75 Minute lessons: IV £55 / H £70 / Z £55
Discounts are given for 2 lessons in the same week
30 Minute lessons: IV £22.50 / H £45 / Z £22.50
45 Minute lessons: IV £32.50 / H £45 / Z £32.50
60 Minute lessons: IV £40 / H £50 / Z £40
75 Minute lessons: IV £50 / H £60 / Z £50
To enquire about a booking please Contact Us
Late to class
Students may attend late to class; however they may be required to wait on the class sidelines until we can safely allow them to join the class ( warmup, or so as not to disrupt the the class training aspect already in progress),
Students who constantly attend classes late throughout the term may be required to change classes or may be told that constant lateness will result in them being withdrawn from a scheduled grading due to them showing disrespect to the class instructor and fellow students with their disregard for the scheduled class start time.
When do I need a Sparring Kit
All students require the protective Head-Guard when purchasing their first SHMA uniform - these can be purchased from our website shop when ordering your first SHMA uniform.
The full protective sparring kit for females consists of:
Head-Guard, Hand Guards, Foot Guards & Shin Guards.
The full protective sparring kit for Males consists of:
Head-Guard, Hand Guards, Foot Guards, Shin Guards & a Groin Guard.
These Protective sparring kits are mandatory from 9th Gup (Yellow Stripe Belt). We recommend the full set to be purchased from 10th Gup (Yellow Belt); this will improve the students confidence and ability for light contacted controlled sparring and allow then to FREE SPAR. Students without the full set are not permitted to FREE SPAR; they may only practice 2/2 non contact turn sparing.
Students may purchase the full set of sparring guards at any time before reaching either 10th or 9th Gup.
When purchasing the pads, the full set is required (you cannot buy the hands and foot guards) and start free sparring.
Year 7+/Adult students may wish to buy their own groin guard with compression underwear (Amazon, Sports Direct etc).
Our Members Section
Our members section is for training students only.
Its free to join and takes 30 seconds!
The members section will give you training student information only and will contain both student names and student numbers.
In the members section you will find the following information:
Booking Confirmations
Belt Grading
Student Credits
Black Belt "Stuff"
SHMA Handbook
Technique Videos
We ask that all new students join the SHMA Members section
as soon as you are confirmed booked and paid
(new members only will receive a booking confirmed email)