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New Term Booking
Snow Herons Martial Arts
Our Holiday Camps
Our sessions are aimed at students 4 - 15 yrs.
We aim to both engage & challenge students in their holidays while refining their learnt Tang Soo Do skills, learn new grade skills, improve fitness & flexibility specialist belt grade or age skills (Bo staff, Dagger defence, competition Sparring & personal defence understanding).
We encourage students to stay active, communicate & participate in all of our activities: Tang Soo Do, Team sports games (hockey, benchball, vollyball, dodgeball, obstacle courses etc), individual or group free time sports (badminton, hall squash, hall tennis etc). We also have Go Carts!
Lunchtimes are a time to relax & be social! (board games, Lego and much more) - You will be amazed at how many of our Preteen & teenagers engage in these youthful activites & enjoy the media switch off.
Communication is a key element of our camps; we believe that effectively working with others enables the students to develop & reach their full potential.
We have our teenage Advanced belts and Black belts attend and assist the class instructors; developing their leadership & communication skills, especially for their D of E assessments.
Our Holiday Camps are open to everyone!
New & prospective members, siblings & friends get together and are taught the same techniques that we teach in our regular after-school, evening and weekend classes.
Our Holiday Camps are a great place for children to make new friends too!